sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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Carlo Savonuzzi Archival Collection

  • The Collection
  • Consultation
  • Conservation and Cataloguing
  • Promotion
  • Studies and Research Projects

Image: Carlo Savonuzzi, Plan for suspended tank [on the Ferrara aqueduct], capacity 2500 m2, Variant from north elevation, 1929-1930 approx. (Architecture Library, FACS, Att. Com. 11, case 2, folder 11).

The engineer and architect Carlo Savonuzzi (Ferrara, 1897 - Sanremo, 1973) was one of the most important and prolific players in Ferrara's architecture and urban planning from the 1920s to the 1960s. He worked for both public institutions in the city - in particular the City Council and the Sant'Anna Central Hospital - and as an independent contractor.

The Carlo Savonuzzi Archival Collection (FACS) was acquired by the University of Ferrara Architecture Department in the early 2000s thanks to a donation from Gloria Savonuzzi, the daughter of the engineer and architect.

The collection includes the materials produced primarily through Carlo Savonuzzi's activities as a private contractor, as well as a few documents attributable to the services he provided to the public sector. It is made up of 263 folders, 23 volumes, 898 photographs (876 positives and 22 negatives) and 1867 drawings (on top of those preserved in the folders).

There are drawings on paper and tracing paper, charts, photographs, books and grey literature, all documentation that constitutes a highly important source for the study of the Ferrara area - and much more - and offers a glimpse into Savonuzzi's life, his passions and professional and personal relationships with other illustrious people of the time, including Adamo Boari, Giuseppe Agnelli and Luigi Vignali.

These are important artefacts for examining the many architectural works designed by Carlo Savonuzzi or for which he led the construction work, and also the urban transformations of the Este city in the same period.

The scientific director of the FACS is Professor Rita Fabbri (Architecture Department).

The collection is found in the Architecture Library, in Palazzo Tassoni.


To find out more


The collection is kept at the Architecture Library.

The volumes that make up the collection are ineligible for external loans, but it is possible to consult them in the library, upon request, made by telephone (+39 0532 293628), email at times agreed with the staff.

It is also necessary to download and complete the Consultation Request form.

If you would like to make copies with your own equipment, it is necessary to download and complete the Self-declaration for reproduction using personal equipment.

Rules for consultation

All of the documents were immediately secured, with further significant protection operations performed from 2013, allowing the collection to be opened to the public in 2016.

Interventions for the restoration of documents in more precarious condition were soon undertaken - and are still in progress - with particular attention to the drawings on tracing paper, which is a fragile material that is highly vulnerable to deterioration.

The first activity to reorganise the collection was supported by a generous donation from Salvatore Topa and Amedea Manservisi in memory of their son Gianluca, who was studying for a degree at the Ferrara Architecture Faculty when he unexpectedly died in January 2002. The work was performed by Anna Maria Guccini, director of the "Giuseppe Mengoni" Archive in Fontanelice (BO), with the support of the working group established by the University of Ferrara Faculty of Architecture; directed by Vittorio Savi, the group was made up of university lecturers such as Claudio Alessandri and Rita Fabbri, architect Ramona Loffredo, and librarians Landina Sebastianis and Luigi Tabacchi.

From 2014 to 2016, the collection underwent an archival inventory operation. Updates on the documents in the collection are now available via the portal archIVI. A city of archives, a project from the Del Monte Foundation in Bologna and Ravenna and the Cassa di Risparmio Foundation in Bologna, in collaboration with the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendency for Emilia-Romagna.

The collection is also catalogued in the Unified IT System for Archival Superintendencies (SIUSA) and can also be found through the thematic portal Archives of Architects, promoted by the General Direction for Archives at the Ministry of Culture.

City of paper and City of stone. The professional archive of Carlo Savonuzzi

City of paper and City of stone. Presentation of the archIVI portal. A city of archives

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To recommend studies or research projects on the collection or pieces from it, please write to