Publishing in open access digital journals

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The Annals of the University of Ferrara are an online scientific periodical owned by the same university. The editor-in-chief is the Chancellor, and they are managed by the Library Division.
The Annals publish works containing original contributions in Italian or foreign languages, by lecturers and researchers at the university, or other academics. Conference proceedings of particular interest, held at the university, can be published as supplements.
- Organization
THE online Unife ANNALS sono organizzati in Sezioni in relazione a specifiche esigenze scientifiche dell’Ateneo. Ogni sezione nomina un proprio Comitato di redazione e un responsabile.
Per la creazione di una nuova Sezione consultare il Regolamento Annali on-line dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara.
Per informazioni e supporto amministrativo contattare Marina Contarini (, tel. 0532 974043, cell. 334 1150152).
Il coordinamento della pubblicazione è affidato al Consiglio di redazione degli Annali online, composto dai responsabili delle Sezioni e dal Coordinatore della Ripartizione Biblioteche.
- Code of Ethics
The Editor, the members of the Editorial Board and Committees, as well as authors and anyone who collaborates in any way in the publication of the Online annals are required to comply with the Code of Ethics − Declaration on ethics and improper practices in publication in the appendix to the Regulations .
Access the Section for the Annals from the platform Unife online Annals
The platform is developed with Open Journal Systems (OJS), an open source software for the management of electronic scientific journals.
For information and advice on the use of the application, contact