The University of Ferrara Library System makes use of the Art Bonus tool to promote its heritage and cultural activities thanks to the support of private citizens or other institutions. (Presentation.pdf)
Counting on the deep cultural vocation of the city of Ferrara, the Library System endeavours to create network strategies with partners interested in the protection and promotion of its heritage, to benefit the community, and in particular younger generations.
These initiatives promote sustainable, inclusive cultural tourism, and strengthen interest in professions relating to cultural heritage and possible new educational paths.
- Advantages
Anyone who makes donations of any amount to support cultural heritage can receive a 65% tax credit, as established by art. 1 of Italian Legislative Decree 31.05.2014 no.83 “Urgent provisions for the protection of cultural heritage, the development of culture and the revival of tourism” converted with amendments into Law no. 106 of 29/07/2014 and subsequent amendments.
The projects you can support
![]() | The intervention has the goal of conservative restoration, under the supervision of the Emilia-Romagna Archival and Bibliographical Superintendency, of books belonging to the University of Ferrara's ancient and valuable collections, which cannot currently be consulted due to their bad state of preservation.
Consult the brochures: |
![]() | The initiative aims to promote the historical, architectural and documentary heritage of the University of Ferrara Libraries (Unife), through the permanent cultural tour Stories of books and palaces: tours of the Unife libraries, aimed at both a local audience and people from outside the region. Visit the project website.
Consult the brochure: |
![]() | Theprivate professional archive of engineer Savonuzzi (Ferrara 1897 - San Remo 1973), donated by his daughter Gloria to the Architecture Department in 2000, made up of 263 folders, 23 printed volumes, 898 photographs and 1867 drawings, many of which need restoration.
Consult the brochure: |