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Study Rooms

last update: 19/06/2024
  • In the library

    Important: variations to the opening hours indicated are on the pages for the individual libraries

    Library Study rooms and spaces
    Air-conditioning Opening hours

    Via Quartieri, 8

    Notices and Contact

    THREE on the first floor - 40, 8, 40


    Monday and Thursday 9:00-17:00

    Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00-13.30

    Chemistry and Biology S.M. delle Grazie

    Via Fossato di Mortara, 15/19

    Notices and Contact

    ONE multimedia room on the ground floor - 68
    ONE on the ground floor - 32
    ONE on the first floor - 17
    ONE on the second floor - 20

    study rooms on the ground floor: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00-22:00

    study rooms on the first and second floor: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9:00-13.30


    Via Voltapaletto, 11

    Notices and Contact

    Spaces on the:
    first floor - 42
    second floor - 40
    gallery - 16
    mezzanine - 36


    Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-18:00

    Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-17:00


    Corso Ercole I d'Este, 37

    Notices and Contact

    THREE on the first floor - 20, 24, 20
    ONE on the second floor for group study - 25

    Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-18:00

    Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-17:00

    and Literature and Philosophy Collections

    Via Savonarola, 27

    Notices and Contact

    TWO on the ground floor - 6, 15


    Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-13:30

    Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-17:00


    Via Machiavelli, 30

    Notices and Contact

    ONE on the first floor - 16 YES

    Monday and Wednesday 9:00-14:00

    Thursday 13:00-17:00


    Science and Technology

    Via Saragat, 1

    Notices and Contact

    ONE on the ground floor - 16 YES

    Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00-13:30

    Tuesday and Thursday 9:00-17:00

  • In the departments

    Department or Hub

    Study rooms and spaces


    Opening hours

    Via Ghiara, 36
    ONE on the ground floor - 23 YES

    From Monday to Friday 8:30-19:30
    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    Luigi Tabacchi
    Economics and Management
    Via Voltapaletto, 11
    ONE on the first floor - 56
    ONE on the third floor - 48



    From Monday to Friday 8:00-18:30
    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    Rita Tognoli

    Corso Ercole I d'Este, 44
    ONE on the ground floor - 56 YES

    From Monday to Friday 8:30-22:00
    since June 17th to July 31st
    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    1 to 9 August and 19 to 23 August:
    CLOSING at 4 p.m.

    Rita Tognoli

    Mathematics and Information Technology

    Via Machiavelli, 30

    ONE on the ground floor - 66
    ONE on the upper-ground floor - 66




    From Monday to Friday 8:30-18:30

    CLOSED from Monday, August 5th to Tuesday, August 20th

    Marina Contarini


    Via delle Scienze, 41b

    ONE on the ground floor - 44 YES

    From Monday to Friday 9:00-18:00
    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    1 to 9 August and 19 to 23 August:
    Monday to Thursday CLOSING at 17:30
    Friday CLOSING at 15:30

    Rita Tognoli

    Chemistry and Biomedical Hub

    Via Borsari, 46

    ONE on the ground floor, in the atrium - 56


    From Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00
    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    Marina Contarini

    Adelardi Hub
    Via degli Adelardi, 33
    ONE on the ground floor - 70 YES

    From Monday to Friday 8:30-22:00
    since June 17th to July 31st
    evening exit in Via Cairoli
    CLOSED from Monday, August 5th to Friday, August 23rd

    Rita Tognoli
    Cona Educational Hub
    Via Aldo Moro, 22
    ONE on the ground floor - 78
    ONE on the ground floor - 102
    ONE on the first floor - 128
    ONE on the first floor mezzanine - 62

    From Monday to Friday 8:00-19:00

    CLOSED from Monday, August 12th to Friday, August 16th

    Marina Contarini

    Science and Technology Hub

    Via Saragat, 1

    ONE on the ground floor - 112


    From Monday to Friday 8:30-18:20
    CLOSED from Thursday, August 1st to Friday, August 30th

    Luigi Tabacchi

  • External to the University

    External locations

    Opening hours

    Study rooms and spaces



    Santa Maria della Consolazione's Complex

    via Mortara, 94

    From Monday to Friday: 3 PM - 10 PM

    Saturday and Sunday: 9 AM - 7PM

    CLOSED from 12 to 18 August inclusive

    THREE on ground floor, first and second floor - 99


    Marina Contarini

    Darsena City

    via Darsena, 73 

    CLOSED ONE on ground floor - 80


    Maria Elena Ghedini