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CRUI and the Italian university system

Contracts for the purchase of journals, databases, e-books and support for open access publications.

The Conference of Italian University Chancellors (supported in management and operational tasks by the CRUI Foundation) works to achieve savings in the purchase and management of electronic resources, strengthening the contractual position of the affiliated universities and institutions. In December 2014, the Electronic Resources Area was established at CRUI with the aim of simplifying the procedures for institutions to participate in individual contracts.
In this section of the CRUI website it is possible to consult the contracts signed to date with the main international academic publishers for the Italian university system.

Since 2015, Unife has been part of the agreement with CRUI for participation in negotiations for the purchase of non-exclusive access rights to electronic resources (journals, databases, e-books) and the related integrated services, with the authorisation to carry out all activities necessary for the conclusion of such agreements. However, participation in individual contracts is decided by the university only after communication from CRUI regarding the specific contractual and economic conditions achieved.