sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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To independently explore the libraries' tools and resources

  • Online course on Unife library resources and services

    This is a course that introduces you to the different types of information resources and services available from the Unife libraries. Instructions and examples are provided for searching and identifying documents in the online catalogues used by the University Library System.

    Subscription to the course is open to members of Unife institutions in possession of, or email addresses.

    Instructions for access to the course


  • Online course on Bibliographical Citation

    This course offers instructions and examples on the elements of bibliographical citation at an advanced level, with information on the two main referencing systems in use. After the first three parts, which are general and apply to all subject areas, the course finishes with a fourth part dedicated to citation techniques specific to the legal science sector.

    Subscription to the course is open to members of Unife institutions in possession of, or email addresses.

    Instructions for access to the course


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