June 28th - July 19th 2024
The temporarily exhibition Other stories of books and palaces. New gazes to Unife's historical heritage. is organized by the University's Library System with the aim of valorizing and spreading the contents of the publication Histories of books and palaces: discovering the cultural heritage of the University of Ferrara (seconda ed. a stampa 2023) and continuing the activities of the project Histories of books and palaces: itineraries inside Unife's libraries started in the Cultural Heritage European year 2018. The inauguration will be held on Friday June 28th 2024 at 6 pm in the presence of the Great Chancellor at Bevilacqua Costabili Palace, location of the Economics Library. The exibihition includes the exposition of representative samples of the antique collection and great value of the Unife's Libraries. The initiative obtained the support of the AIB – sezione Emilia Romagna and of the District of Ferrara.
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May 27th - June 7th 2024
On May 27th at the Tassoni Estense Palace was launched the exihibition called Architecture in details - Progects from Carlo Savonuzzi's Archive curated by Professor Rita Fabbri of Unife's Architecture Department and Director of the Fondo Archivistico Carlo Savonuzzi (FACS), achieved in collaboration with the Unife's Library System.
The visitor is presented with the occasion of admiring a collection of ink and pencil drawings (even pastels in a few cases) made on dusting paper and tracing paper, but also radex heliographies, black and white photos. Details of external vestments, of stairs and locks are well represented and they testimony the modality and great sentivity to Carlo Savonuzzi's care for details, chief engineer of Ferrara's District and freelancer.
The exhibition gets put side by side to the virtual exhibition The care for the detail. Carlo Savonuzzi and the applied arts with which Unife participated again this year to the National Day of Architectual Archives 2024 available on the Virtual Heritage Unife portal.
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May 16th 2024

The virtual exihibition called The care for the detail. Carlo Savonuzzi and the applied arts, launched in occasion of the 14th National Day of Architectual Archives 2024, documents the constant dilogue between the definition of the details and the architectural project in its whole, special to engineer Carlo Savonuzzi. Eight projects are there to be admired, made between the end on the Twenties and half of the Fifties, on the studies of external guidelines, of stairs and locks documented with specific drawings. The very production of the components was assigned to oprofessional worjkforces capable of reading the shapes and creating them with care.
To get further information, please visit the Events page.
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