sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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17 April 2019

The ULS participates in the discussion The third mission of academic libraries organised by the Emilia-Romagna Section of the Italian Library Association (Archiginnasio, Bologna), illustrating the activities that have involved their collaboration with public or private institutions for the creation of third mission projects and initiatives included in the mandated missions of the university's strategic plans.

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9 April 2019

Alongside the fundamental missions of higher education and research, Italian universities are called to carry out a range of activities known as the Third Mission - not for profit, with educational and cultural value for the development of society (National Agency for the Assessment of the University and Research System).

This does not just involve the “transfer of knowledge” deriving from university research, but also the offer of collaborations and services to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the region and society.

Third Mission activities do not have a single definition, but should be planned in relation to the specifics of the university, starting from the relevant regional context, and evaluating resources and needs.

The ULS participated in the seminar Academic and research libraries. The Third Mission: practice and theory ("G. Marconi" CNR Central Library, Rome) which aims to compare significant experiences in Third Mission activities carried out by academic and research libraries in Italy, in order to present a new model for academic libraries and provide an opportunity for the discussion of new ideas and synergies.

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