sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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21-22 October 2023

For Open Monuments 2023, the University Library System participated in the event, opening Palazzo Tassoni-Mirogli, the seat of the University of Ferrara Literature and Philosophy Library. The library representatives supported the training of the classes involved (3A from the A.Volta-Doro Primary School, Govoni Comprehensive Institute, and 3B from the Pontelagoscuro “Carmine della Sala” Primary School, Cosm Tura Comprehensive Institute), sharing materials and coordinating site visits with the young students.

For the occasion, some information panels were created and placed along the route with historical images, as it is not possible to visit some interior spaces that became inaccessible after the 2012 earthquake. The initiative brought in over 1000 visitors.

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Press Review

25 January 2023

Meeting to present the AIB-MI Course, School and public libraries: organisation, services and socio-cultural promotion, offered by AIB in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit ("L. Ariosto" State Classics High School, Ferrara).

Participating in this occasion was Dr. Marina Contarini, Director of the University of Ferrara Libraries Division, with a talk titled The UFE Hub, the university libraries and the network of school libraries in Ferrara.

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