Opening hours
01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024
Monday 08:30 / 13:00 14:00 / 17:00 Tuesday 08:30 / 13:00 14:00 / 17:00 Wednesday 08:30 / 13:00 14:00 / 17:00 Thursday 08:30 / 13:00 14:00 / 17:00 Friday 08:30 / 12:00 Saturday closed Sunday closed
Closing days
- 22/12/2023 - 07/01/2024
Festività Pasquali
29/03/2024 - 03/04/2024 -
Chiusura estiva
29/07/2024 - 16/08/2024 -
Festività Natalizie
20/12/2024 - 06/01/2025
News from the library
There are no news currently
VIA ANGELI, 28 C/O PALAZZO ANGELI (ingresso da Corso del Popolo, 149)45100 ROVIGO
Tel.: 0425 418867
Library services
Wi-Fi: Rete dell'Università di Ferrara
Access for disabled people: Total access
Milani Alessandro Responsabile
Il Giorno 02/10/2024 e il giorno 09/10/2024 l'ufficio biblioteca apre alle ore 11.00
Other informations
History in brief
The Law Library in Rovigo was established in 2002 from the collaboration between the Law Faculty of Ferrara and the C.U.R. University of Rovigo Consortium, along with the activation of the of the three-year degree in Legal Sciences provided by the University of Ferrara in Rovigo.
In the beginning the aim was to provide the teaching material necessary for the University's courses, then, with the implementation of the Master of Laws degree course in 2005 and the institution of the PhD course in European Union Law and national regulations in 2008 and the subsequent purchase of texts of Community legal interest, has become a Rovigo and Italian excellence in the law field. Collection As of today, the Library contains more than 15.000 law volumes, also historical and philosophical, around 100 periodicals of which 30 of them are currently active.
The collection also comprehends 2 Funds (Fondo Basanelli e Fondo Reale) which are particularly important with more or less 2000 documents (amongst which some of them are antique) of significant historical and legal interest. |