sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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Educational services and courses

The University Library System (ULS) promotes an inclusive culture through library services and cultural tours, in line with the university's Charter ( art. 7, Quality of life at university) and Strategic Plan, in collaboration with theOffice for Coordination of Inclusion Policies and the Teacher Training and International Training Office.

For inclusive education:

  • loans service through agreed channels for students deprived of personal freedom, in the context of the convention signed by Unife with the Ferrara Correctional Facility;
  • collaboration with the RE-INCLUSI project: removing obstacles to access to university education for people deprived of their freedom, approved by the university authorities on 31/05/2022, for the purchase of books to send on loan for use to the library of the Ferrara Correctional Facility;
  • workstations with digital aids for people with visual impairments in some sites (Economics Library and Literature and Philosophy Library).

For the promotion of cultural heritage

Result of the project Stories of books and palaces: tours of the Unife libraries targeted strategies have been adopted to include a diverse audience, including those with disabilities.

  • web pages dedicated to the history of the locations, containing information regarding accessibility;
  • virtual tours through thefree app MIX-AR eXperience which allows you to access a selection of content (texts, images, videos) on your mobile device, which is published on the tour display boards. Manuale d’uso dell’app.pdf
  • NFC sensors on the tour display boards, which can be activated on mobile devices using the dedicated app to access audio content;
  • the creation of 32 subtitled videos with translation into LIS (Italian Sign Language) , with voiceover narration and a rich gallery of images.

Stories of books and palaces received the 2021 Maria A. Abenante Prize (ranked 2nd, tied with two other projects), from the AIB (Italian Library Association), which aims to remember the humanity, dedication and professionalism of Maria A. Abenante, who died prematurely, through an award for projects with the purpose of promoting the social and cultural role of libraries and their inclusivity (See the dedicated AIB page).

To find out more

LIS Videos : collaborations and sources

Image from Pixabay