sebina, you, sebinayou, opac, catalogo, servizi, biblioteca, utente, BiblioFe, Polo Bibliotecario Ferrarese, Ferrara, università di Ferrara

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Opening hours

  • Orario servizio di prestito

    01/01/2024 - 22/12/2024
    Monday 09:00 / 13:30
    Tuesday 09:00 / 17:00
    Wednesday 09:00 / 13:30
    Thursday 09:00 / 17:00
    Friday 09:00 / 13:30
    Saturday closed
    Sunday closed
  • Orario accesso alle sale studio interne

    01/01/2024 - 22/12/2024
    Monday 09:00 / 18:00
    Tuesday 09:00 / 17:00
    Wednesday 09:00 / 18:00
    Thursday 09:00 / 17:00
    Friday 09:00 / 18:00
    Saturday closed
    Sunday closed

Closing days

  • Festività natalizie 2024

    23/12/2024 - 06/01/2025
  • Festa del patrono e Festa liberazione

    21/04/2025 - 25/04/2025
  • Ponte Festa del lavoro

    01/05/2025 - 02/05/2025
  • Chiusura estiva

    04/08/2025 - 14/08/2025

News from the library

There are no news currently




Tel.: 0532 455621



Library services

Wi-Fi: Rete universitaria

Access for disabled people: Total access

Other informations

History in brief

The University of Ferrara's Law Library was established as a book fund managed by the Municipal Library "Ariostea" thanks to an agreement signed on October 21st 1927 between the University and the Municipality of Ferrara. It wasn't until the academic year of 1954-55 when the Law Library of the then "Tumiati" Law Institute would become a different entity from the Ariostea Library and eventually own its own location at Palazzo Aldovrandi. In 1963 the Library was transferred alongside the Law Faculty at Palazzo Renata di Francia. Following the collection's enlargement, in 1975 it becomes necessary to transfer part of the book fund at Palazzo Gulinelli. Only in 1984 the Library's heritage was reunited in the current location from the 16th century Palazzo Trotti Mosti located in Corso Ercole I D’Este, and it is also the current main location of the Law Department. The facility was configured as the Department Library from 1987 to 2001, when it became a Faculty Library within the University Library System. From 2006, with the ULS reorganization, the Library takes part to the Macro area of Social and Human Sciences.

As of today, it is the biggest Library of the Ferrara's University with more that 125.000 volumes of law, but also history and philosophy, a thousand of periodicals of which 500 of them are currently active. The collection also comprehends an antique fund of more or less 1.500 documents of hisotical-law interest formed throughout the years, thasnks to acquisitions and donations, amongst which the most recent and relevant is the one from the 50s of the senator Giovanni Martinelli, former Rector of the University. the Law Sciences Book Fund is part of the Historical interests collections of the University of Ferrara.