Opening hours
Orario di apertura
01/01/2025 - 31/12/2025
Monday 09:00 / 13:30 Tuesday 09:00 / 17:00 Wednesday 09:00 / 13:30 Thursday 09:00 / 17:00 Friday 09:00 / 13:30 Saturday closed Sunday closed
Closing days
Festa del patrono e Festa liberazione
21/04/2025 - 25/04/2025 -
Ponte Festa del lavoro
01/05/2025 - 02/05/2025 -
Chiusura estiva
04/08/2025 - 14/08/2025 -
Festività natalizie 2025
24/12/2025 - 06/01/2026
News from the library
Le richieste ILL o DD di parti di libri con collocazione DEP1 - DEP2 - DEP3 vengono evase solo se questa Biblioteca è l'unica in Italia a possedere l'opera.
Tel.: 0532 293417-293123
Library services
Wi-Fi: Rete universitaria
Access for disabled people: Total access
Marina Contarini: Responsabile Biblioteche Polo delle Scienze della società e dell'uomo
Other informations
History in brief The Humanities Library was established in 1971, its main location at Palazzo Tassoni-Mirogli, in Savonarola Street, 27. During december of 1980 it gets dedicated to the professor Amleto Bassi, psychology professor and principal of the Faculty during the Academic Year of 1978-79, whom actively operated in Ferrara and its areas. From the very beginning it becomes a centralized structure of services for research and teaching structures of the Faculty, first Magisterium then Humanities. Its documentary heritage has been enriched over time with numerous donations and bequests. Following the hearthquake of May 20 and 29 of 2012 and of the consequential damages made to Palazzo Tassoni-Mirogli, the Library has partially modified the usage of internal spaces, the access to the deposits it's limited to an hour daily, with a consequential restriction of the loan services. |
Collection The library owns a documentary collection of approximately 130.000 volumes, 300 current periodicals and a rich multimedial sector formed by thousands of discs and music CDs, DVD (film, operas ecc.) e microfilm. The documental heritage interests the humanistic area's sectors: literature, linguistics, foreign languages, philosophy, history, history of the arts, theatre, cinema, music. The Library also owns the valuable book funds of Human Anatomy, Botanic e Literatures and Philosophy, which are part of the Collections of historical interest of the University, like the historical fund of the Arcispedale Sant'Anna of Ferrara currently on loan to the University. |